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Library Technology Help


Welcome to the USC Upstate Library Dual Enrollment LibGuide. This guide was designed by Library Faculty to help you navigate the Library and its Resources as a Dual Enrollment Student.  The first thing you must do is to make sure you have BOTH of your USC Upstate Passwords set up.  USC Upstate has ONE set of User Names/Password that is for Blackboard© and a DIFFERENT User Name/Password for Computer Login & e-mail.

You should have received your Student Data Sheet containing your Network Username (for system-wide use), e-mail address, and VIP ID Number.  

To check your USC Upstate User Name and Password (NOT BLACKBOARD) follow the directions below. 

  1. Go to the following link:
  2. Fill in your complete USC Upstate e-mail including the and click NEXT
  3. On the next screen enter your e-mail password.

If you do not know your User Name / Email you can ask for help from several people on campus including your professor or the friendly people at the Circulation Desk. You will need your USC Upstate ID (also known as your CarolinaCard) to obtain your User Name.

Need More Assistance?

IT Help Desk by LKaras Work