Several of the digital collections resources linked here are provided by leading research universities in the United States. We gratefully acknowledge the significant scholarship of librarians at MIT, the University of Southern California, and Yale University for aggregating these links on their library websites.
For a LIMITED TIME, USC Upstate has access to the North China Herald newspaper AND the China Weekly Review newspaper via ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Chinese Newspapers Collection (other titles also available). Coverage extends through multiple title changes and includes the years 1850-1950, depending on the title. Two ways to access:
NEW for Fall 2023. This link will take you to a blog compiling a large number of online sources related to missionaries working in China. These sources are in English, making them particularly valuable for students in this course. Several notable periodical titles include: The Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal (1867-1941), China’s Millions (1875-1964), and Reports of the American Presbyterian Missions. Not that not all titles listed contain links to every issue, but this resource is quite comprehensive in scope.
Special thanks to Dr. Ann Waltner, University of Minnesota, for graciously sharing this list of digitized open access resources available through the University of Minnesota Library.
Additional digitized resources for China scholarship; please note these are SECONDARY sources, not primary.