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LIBR 201 - Strategies for Information Discovery: Home

A guide to USC Upstate Library resources for students of LIBR 201.

Welcome to the USC Upstate Library!

This guide contains information specific to the USC Upstate Library that you may find useful in completing your assignments for LIBR 201. It also contains links to important library resources we ask you to use in the course as well as some links to external resources.

Useful Library Web Pages

Library Home Page

The Library Home Page is at  We recommend you bookmark it, but it is also good to know how to find it, especially if you find yourself using another computer!

Truth be told, you can google "USC Upstate Library" and find a link to the Library Home Page, but here are three ways to get in through the front door, so to speak. From the university website you can click on Academics and scroll down until you find this link to the library:

Image of waterfall fountain in front of the library with a link to the library home page.

Alternatively, you can click on the hamburger menu on the upper right and find the A to Z Index, where you can look up Library.

Image of menu on USC Upstate website showing link to A to Z Index.

Finally, there is a link to the library under Quick Links on the Spartan Hub student page:

Image of Spartan Hub landing page with arrow pointing to Library icon under Quick Links.