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Frequently Asked Questions

University Telephone Numbers, Helpful Links and Frequently Asked Questions about USC Upstate

University Information


Full Name


AAC Academic Affairs Committee  
ACDC Academic Chairs Development Council  
ARTE Art Education Course Acronym
ARTH Art History Course Acronym
ARTS Art Studio Course Acronym
CAAS Center for African American Studies  
CAHSS College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Includes FACS, HPPA, SCW
CAIFS Center for Academic Innovation and Faculty Support

Faculty teaching resources, training
and assistance

CASB College of Arts & Sciences Building Near HPAC includes CAHSS,
NSE, Psych and IDS
CAST Child Advocacy Studies  
CIP Codes Classification of Instructional Program Codes National organization for Curriculum
and program codes
CLC Campus Life Center Includes Cafeteria, Ballroom, Disabilitiy
Services, Dean of Students and
Student Lounge
COMM Communication Studies Course Acronym
CST College of Science and Technology  
DAC Dean's Advisory Council  
DFW D, F, Withdraw Tracking rates of student course completion
El Centro South Carolina Centro Latino  
FACS Fine Arts & Communications Studies Includes Art, Communication, Music
and Theatre
FTE Full-time Faculty  
HEC Health Education Center Includes Education, Nursing, the Bookstore,
Spartan Rec Center, Admissions, Financial Aid
HPAC Humanities and Performing Arts Center Includes FACS, LLC, Curtis Harley Art Gallery, 
The Writing Center, the Theatre, Music Practice Spaces
HPPA History, Political Science, Philosophy, &
American Studies
Includes History, Political Science, Pre-Law and minors
IDS Interdisciplinary Studies Located in CASB
JCBE Johnson College of Business and Economics Located in "the George" downtown Spartanburg
on St. John Street
JOUR Journalism Course Acyronym
LLC Languages, LIterature, and Composition

Includes English and World Languages.
Located in HPAC, second floor

MBSON or MBCON Mary Black School (College) of Nursing  
MUSC Music Course Acronym
NSE College of Nature Sciences and Engineering Includes NSE, IES, MCS. Located in Smith
POS Program of Study  
P&T Promotion and Tenure  
PSYC/PSYCH Psychology Course Acronym, Located in CASB.
QEP Quality Enhancement Program  
SARS Sponsored Awards and Research Support  
SCW Sociology, Criminal Justice & Women
and Gender Studies
Criminal Justice, Sociology, WGS minor. Located
in Media Building third floor. 
SCURS South Carolina Upstate Research Symposium  
SoEPH or CoEHPH School (College) of Education, Health
and Human Performance
Located in HEC
SPCH Speech Course Acronym. 
TAPS Teaching & Productive Scholarships  
THEA Theatre Course Acronym
WGS Center for Women's and Gender Studies Located in Media Building second floor. 
Academic Affairs Administration Building 864-503-5339
Admissions Health Education Complex (HEC) 864-503-5246
Bookstore 1st floor, HEC 864-503-5167
Career Management LIB 270 864-503-5993
Counseling Services Rampey Center  864-503-5195
Disability Services Campus Life Center (CLC) 107 864-503-5199
Financial Aid HEC - Suite 2081 864-503-5340
Health Services 2 locations: University Way Clinic,
995 University Way and Rampey Clinic, 490 Hodge Drive
Housing and Res Life 480 Hodge Drive 864-503-5422
Human Resources Admin Building - Suite 330 864-503-5322
Math Lab (Hodge 242) 864-503-5296
Registrar HEC 864-503-5246
Student Account Services HEC - Suite 2081 864-503-5326
Student Records HEC - Suite 2081 864-503-5220
opt 4
Student Employment Admin Building - Suite 330 864-503-5323
Testing Center ( 
Media 218
University IT Admin Building - Lower Level - first floor 864-503-5257
University Police 219 North Campus Blvd 864-503-7777
University Switchboard Admin Building - Front Desk 864-503-5000
Writing Center HPAC 136 864-503-5883