Academic Affairs | Administration Building | 864-503-5339 |
Admissions | Health Education Complex (HEC) | 864-503-5246 |
Bookstore | 1st floor, HEC | 864-503-5167 |
Career Management | LIB 270 | 864-503-5993 |
Counseling Services | Rampey Center | 864-503-5195 |
Disability Services | Campus Life Center (CLC) 107 | 864-503-5199 |
Financial Aid | HEC - Suite 2081 | 864-503-5340 |
Health Services | 2 locations: University Way Clinic, 995 University Way and Rampey Clinic, 490 Hodge Drive |
864-503-5191 |
Housing and Res Life | 480 Hodge Drive | 864-503-5422 |
Human Resources | Admin Building - Suite 330 | 864-503-5322 |
Math Lab | (Hodge 242) | 864-503-5296 |
Registrar | HEC | 864-503-5246 |
Student Account Services | HEC - Suite 2081 | 864-503-5326 |
Student Records | HEC - Suite 2081 | 864-503-5220 opt 4 |
Student Employment | Admin Building - Suite 330 | 864-503-5323 |
Testing Center | ( Media 218 |
864-503-7422 |
University IT | Admin Building - Lower Level - first floor | 864-503-5257 |
University Police | 219 North Campus Blvd | 864-503-7777 |
University Switchboard | Admin Building - Front Desk | 864-503-5000 |
Writing Center | HPAC 136 | 864-503-5883 |
Acronym |
Full Name |
Description |
AAC | Academic Affairs Committee | |
ACDC | Academic Chairs Development Council | |
ARTE | Art Education | Course Acronym |
ARTH | Art History | Course Acronym |
ARTS | Art Studio | Course Acronym |
CAAS | Center for African American Studies | |
CAHSS | College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences | Includes FACS, HPPA, SCW PSYCH, & LLC |
CAIFS | Center for Academic Innovation and Faculty Support |
Faculty teaching resources, training |
CASB | College of Arts & Sciences Building | Near HPAC includes CAHSS, NSE, Psych and IDS |
CAST | Child Advocacy Studies | |
CIP Codes | Classification of Instructional Program Codes | National organization for Curriculum and program codes |
CLC | Campus Life Center | Includes Cafeteria, Ballroom, Disabilitiy Services, Dean of Students and Student Lounge |
COMM | Communication Studies | Course Acronym |
CST | College of Science and Technology | |
DAC | Dean's Advisory Council | |
DFW | D, F, Withdraw | Tracking rates of student course completion |
El Centro | South Carolina Centro Latino | |
FACS | Fine Arts & Communications Studies | Includes Art, Communication, Music and Theatre |
FTE | Full-time Faculty | |
HEC | Health Education Center | Includes Education, Nursing, the Bookstore, Spartan Rec Center, Admissions, Financial Aid |
HPAC | Humanities and Performing Arts Center | Includes FACS, LLC, Curtis Harley Art Gallery, The Writing Center, the Theatre, Music Practice Spaces |
HPPA | History, Political Science, Philosophy, & American Studies |
Includes History, Political Science, Pre-Law and minors |
IDS | Interdisciplinary Studies | Located in CASB |
JCBE | Johnson College of Business and Economics | Located in "the George" downtown Spartanburg on St. John Street |
JOUR | Journalism | Course Acyronym |
LLC | Languages, LIterature, and Composition |
Includes English and World Languages. |
MBSON or MBCON | Mary Black School (College) of Nursing | |
MUSC | Music | Course Acronym |
NSE | College of Nature Sciences and Engineering | Includes NSE, IES, MCS. Located in Smith |
POS | Program of Study | |
P&T | Promotion and Tenure | |
PSYC/PSYCH | Psychology | Course Acronym, Located in CASB. |
QEP | Quality Enhancement Program | |
SARS | Sponsored Awards and Research Support | |
SCW | Sociology, Criminal Justice & Women and Gender Studies |
Criminal Justice, Sociology, WGS minor. Located in Media Building third floor. |
SCURS | South Carolina Upstate Research Symposium | |
SoEPH or CoEHPH | School (College) of Education, Health and Human Performance |
Located in HEC |
SPCH | Speech | Course Acronym. |
TAPS | Teaching & Productive Scholarships | |
THEA | Theatre | Course Acronym |
WGS | Center for Women's and Gender Studies | Located in Media Building second floor. |