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South Carolina Library Advocacy Campaigns

Advocacy for South Carolina Libraries

Good News - Share your Story

All South Carolina Libraries are invited to share uplifting and impactful library stories with their community and the legislators who serve them. This campaign is supported by SCLASCASL, APLA and FOSCL. Interested libraries or participants do not have to hold a membership to any affiliated organization to submit. 

The third edition of Share Your Story will focus on the theme of "Good News." This theme is meant to be open, inclusive, and flexible to all library stories from the past year. (Click here to view the first edition or second edition ) Here is a brief list of suggested stories to be included:

  • Summer Reading Statistics and Library stories
  • K-12 library program stories
  • Public Library community programs and borrower statistics
  • Academic library outreach efforts and impact on student success
  • Special library efforts (Medical, archives, and more)
  • Patron experiences and letters

All libraries, all stories, and all efforts are encouraged.

Submissions closed on February 2nd, 2024

  • November till February 2nd - Collect Stories
  • February 9th - Deliver Digital eBook
  • Mid-February - Professionally print Small Batch of eBook -Use for budget meetings & SCASL hill day
  • After February - Deliver to Federal Legislators

Libraries should submit one photo and one narrative detailing success stories, patron stories, resources used, or community event stories. Form Requirements:

  • Submitter's email
  • Contact Name
  • Library's Federal District
  • Library Name
  • Library's Address
  • Library's website
  • Story Narrative
  • One Image (PNG or JPG)
  • If your name should be included (Y/N)
  • Available to all library funding advocacy events such as;
    budget hearings, advocacy hill days, and National Library Legislative Day
  • Personal Printing to have at your library
  • Inclusion in library annual report

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