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ARTH U400 - Art Theory and Criticism: The Catalog and Books

This guide was created to assist the students in ARTE U400 Art Theory and Criticism Class


Call Numbers for Fine Arts & Art History - N to NX

Browse for Books in the Stacks.

We organize our library using the Library of Congress Classification System below is a breakdown of the Visual Arts area. For a more detailed listing of Library of Congress Classification System check out the Libraray of Congress's Web Page

N - Visual Arts
NA - Architecture
NB - Sculpture
NC - Drawing Design Illustration
ND - Painting
NE - Print Media
NK - Decorative Arts
NX - Arts in General
TR - Photography
BH - Aesthetics

catalogue raisonné, broadly speaking, is a reference work that provides as comprehensive and detailed a list as possible of an artist’s works. Sometimes the catalog of works is broken down by format or medium, or broken down into chronological sequences.

When searching the Catalog for books on art movements do a keyword search for the name of the movement AND art, for example Formalism AND art.  Many movements are not just in art so if you search for just the movement such as Marxism you will get philosophy, literature, history and more.  Below are just a few Subject Links that will take you into the catalog for books on related subjects.  Below that are a few books relating to the subjects for this class.

Find Books and E-Books


Advanced Search

Find Books option provides one-stop searching for books and e-books, journal articles, DVDs, and more.  The search box in the widget above allows you to directly search for materials found in what was previously called the Library Catalog.


The video below provides a brief introduction on how to use the new Search to find books and e-books in the USC Upstate library collection.  

Search Catalog Records

Click on the title of a book in the results list to access the record for that book, which includes two useful aids:

Primo Catalog Explanation by LKaras Work