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SPCH U201: Foundations in Oral Communication: Special Occation Speeches

Get Prepaired

Even with impromptu speeches you usually know there is a chance you will be asked to "say a few words".  Having some prepared words or notes will help you not to look or feel surprised when asked to speak making your speech more natural and successful.  Preparation ensures that your audience will never be in doubt about what you are trying to say - and neither will you. It sharpens your perceptions and gives you great confidence. The more homework you do, the more spontaneous, confident, and relaxed you are when you deliver the speech.  




Additional Readings

Other Types of Special Occation Speeches

Three more types of Impromptu Speeches are Commencement Speeches, Keynote Addresses, and Commemorative Speeches; these are often more formal longer speeches than you find in something like a toast or introduction and fall somewhere between an impromptu speech and an informative speech.

Keynote Addresses

          A keynote address is a longer special occasion speech meant to inspire, inform, or call an audience to action while attending a specific conference or event. These speeches use elements of both informative and persuasive speeches and can even follow the same patterns of organization. Many keynote addresses incorporate the themes, relevant messages, or core concepts of the conference or event.

Commencement Speeches

          Graduations are often viewed as a conclusion to one’s educational career. However, by definition, they are the beginning! You are “commencing” to the next phase of your life. Commencement speeches are often given by a prominent figure in the local or global community. These speeches touch on a shared theme or common beliefs and often feature words of wisdom or a call to action.

Commemorative Speeches

          Commemorative speeches are tributes in nature, paying honor, admiration, or homage, to an occasion, person, event, thing or idea. In many cases, tribute speeches use emotions to acknowledge and draw upon the speaker’s experiences or highlight the qualities and effects the person place or thing has played in their life. Tribute speeches may come in many places and forms: anniversaries, weddings, retirements, etc. Anywhere there is a desire to praise and acknowledge the impact of someone or something on you.