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Business and Business Analytics Resources: Overview: Faculty Resources

A short guide to library resources for business, accounting, economics, management and marketing.

Quick Links/Information

Streaming Video

Films are also available through Digital Campus by Swank. However, they must be requested first. Contact Erika for more details.

Research Assistance and Instruction


The Business Resources Library Guide (LibGuide) is a good starting point for students and faculty research.

Please do not hesitate to contact your librarian, Mark, with questions. Research appointments are available in-person and virtually. 

For more immediate help, 24/7 via chat/text, please use Ask a Librarian


Mark will continue to be available for research instruction. He can do in-person sessions at The George. In addition, Mark can create customized research guides for both in-person and online courses.

Open Educational Resources

As a starting point, Furman University has a list of Open Educational Resources for Business (courtesy: James A. Duke Library) as well as Iowa State University.

Additional suggestions may be available using the following resource:

Mark can also assist faculty in finding books available through the library and other open source/affordable options for courses.

Book and Material Requests

If you would like to request new books or materials for the Library, please contact Jonathan Newton --

Business Librarian

Profile Photo
Mark Smith
Research & Instruction Librarian
Office: LIB 111
Main Library: 864-503-5620