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Blanche Letter 20 Images

1907 June 25 - envelope front, Willie Payne to Blanche Peden

1907 June 25 - envelope back, Willie Payne to Blanche Peden

1907 June 25 - page 1, Willie Payne to Blanche Peden

1907 June 25 - page 2, Willie Payne to Blanche Peden

Related Materials

- Fourth of July Events in Piedmont, SC 1907-

Independence Day in the United States evokes a pure sense of patriotic pride and importance. The holiday stands for the birth of a nation founded and embedded in principles of freedom, liberty, and self-determination. Oftentimes, on this day, citizens come together to celebrate the values that unite them, respecting the courage and sacrifices of those who fought for independence. The majority of the festivities involve fireworks, parades, and gatherings for all to enjoy and to instill a feeling of unity. These events serve as a reminder of the importance of the ideals of America.

In 1907, Piedmont, South Carolina conducted several events among the counties by hosting elaborate programs. In Salem, a program occurred that included a patriotic speech and an old-fashioned ox roast to be served. At the Good Hope Center in the upper Piedmont, Attorney Elmer F. Goodwin spoke and initiated appropriate exercises for all to indulge in. A later event conducted at Northview consisted of a huge celebration with several attractions, speech-giving, and amusements galore. All while expressing the vital understanding that all public offices, stores, and postal services were closed in order for the holiday to be observed by all. 



Humanities, National Endowment for the. “The Daily Telegram. [Volume] (Clarksburg, W. Va.) 1901-1926, July 03, 1907, Image 1. "News about Chronicling America RSS." Accessed October 10, 2023.


Inferences and Additional Questions

Was Wille raised in Piedmont, South Carolina with Blanche?

What way of transportation would Willie have taken to get to Piedmont, South Carolina?

How often did Willie go back and visit Piedmont, South Carolina?


Object Description

The following object description information includes basic elements from the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI).  An additional notes field is included to list dates from the actual letter, envelope postmark locations, and any other identifying details.

  • Contributing Institution - Piedmont Historical Preservation Society
  • Collection Name - Margaret Payne Collection
  • Language - English
  • Rights - Copyright held by the Piedmont Historical Preservation Society; no reproduction without written consent from the Piedmont Historical Preservation Society.
  • Notes – Handwritten letter dated June 25, 1907. Two pages. Includes front and back envelope, postmarked June 25, 1907, 5:00 PM, from Greenville, SC and received in Piedmont, SC on June 26, 1907.

Also at this Time - Historical Context

- Plans for Upgrades to Greenville, SC in 1907 -

In 1907, Greenville, South Carolina, discovered itself on the verge of several transformations. The city was growing from a primarily textile-based economy to a diversified industrial landscape. With the advancements of the 20th century, the electrification of Greenville began to sprout new industries that led to economic growth and job opportunities. The plans were being created to modernize the city's infrastructure which included the installments of new paved roads and public transportation systems. These improvements were a testament to the city's commitment to progress and thriving economically. 

At the time, the idea of building up the downtown area was deemed as a priority to Thomas F Parker, President of the Municipal League. From there, a city plan would be created, the plan would propose the idea of several boulevards around the city, new city parks, and the development of a civic center. The city plan would then be approved by the Municipal League and the building soon began. The improvements would lead to a peak in population in the Greenville area. 


Studio, WLA. “Greenville, SC Historic Survey.” City of Greenville, 2017.

Want to Dig Deeper?

- The celebration of Independence Day in the South during 1907-

The celebration of the 4th of July in the South during this time period was a significant event, marked by a combination of traditional patriotic observances and regional customs. It's important to note that South Carolina, like many southern states, had a unique history and cultural background, which influenced the way Independence Day was celebrated. Events like parades, cookouts, and fireworks were common and viewed as community unity activities.

However, it's worth noting that in 1907, the South was still dealing with the legacy of the American Civil War and the Reconstruction era. While Independence Day was a time to celebrate American unity and freedom, the historical and cultural context of the region may have influenced the way the holiday was observed in South Carolina, with some residents focusing more on their southern heritage and local identity. Overall, the 4th of July in South Carolina in 1907 would have been a mix of national patriotism and regional pride, with traditional celebrations and activities that were common across the United States.