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Primary Sources: Historic Newspapers and Digital Newspaper Collections

A guide to finding and using Primary source materials

NEW RESOURCE! Historical African American Newspapers Online - a LibGuide at Marist College.

Elizabeth Clarke, a librarian at the James A. Cannavino Library at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, NY, has developed an excellent primary source LibGuide, Historical African American Newspapers Available Online (click the link to access the guide).  The content is current and is continuously being updated as more newspapers come online.  The content note reads: 

"This guide provides a list of historical African American Newspapers available online as part of digitization projects at libraries and historical societies as well as digitization projects done by Google.  The content is available for free, though it is at the discretion of the institution providing the content. The newspapers contained within guide are those that have ceased to operate or are currently running papers with archives available.  It does not include papers that are currently running and only offer access to the most recent articles."

If you know the name of the newspaper you are looking for, search using the alphabetical tabs.  If you are looking for titles from a particular region of the country, please use the regional tabs.  NOTE:  the final tab of the guide links to a separate Marist College guide, and is *not* content created by or for USC Upstate.

For general questions about how to use the content of this guide in your research, please reach out to me directly using my contact information on the Home page of *this* guide, Primary Sources.    

For specific questions or inquiries about the content of the Historical African American Newspapers Available Online guide, Ms. Clarke's email contact information is located on the Home page of the Marist guide. 

Regional Historic Newspapers - Digital Collections

Several academic institutions have made significant collections of regional historical newspapers available in digital format.  Please find links to a number of these digital collections below.  More states, institutions, and collections will be added as they become available. 

NewsBank - Accessing With a SC State Library Card

NewsBank aggregates both current and archived information from thousands of newspaper titles, newswires, web editions, blogs, videos, broadcast transcripts, business journals, periodicals, government documents, and other publications.  NewsBank is available free to all South Carolina State Library cardholders. 

The South Carolina State Library (SCSL) is open to the public. SC residents age 18 and over are eligible to apply for a free library card and may borrow circulating materials from our collections and access our electronic resources.

The State Library offers two ways to access our services:

  • Physical Card: Provides access to all physical and digital resources.
  • E-Card: Grants instant access to all digital services and materials.

To get a Library Card, please use THIS LINK.  

To access NewsBank with your SC State Library card, please visit NewsBank & State Library Resource Databases.

Regional Historic Newspapers - More Digital Collections

Researching with Historic Newspapers

There is a separate Historic Newspapers LibGuide that addresses not only how to research using historic newspapers, but also details the history of American newspaper publishing.  Several good videos (including full transcripts) are included with this guide, which can be accessed by using the link below.