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CRJU U501 - Criminal Justice Senior Seminar: Statistics

Searching the Internet

Although you are directed to use web sources "sparingly," you may have need of statistics or reports from government or other web sites. 

Statistical Resources

Government Resources

Using Statistics

When either writing or speaking, using appropriate statistics can help prove or disprove your point.   Statistics can help provide concrete examples of a larger trend, give the basis for an important chart or graph, or make theoretical arguments tangible. This works best with statistics from reliable resources.  Logically weaving statistics into your essays, papers, or speeches will strengthen your work.

What can statistics do? 

  • Strengthen your argument
  • Provide objective information so you can debate arguments
  • Put an argument into context

Things You Need to Consider:

  • Statistics in and of themselves can't make the argument for you
  • Like direct quotations from outside sources, you must interpret statistics and apply them to the point you're making
  • Treat statistics as evidence that requires interpretation
