LGBTQ Upstate Oral History Collection
Features oral histories recorded by USC Upstate students in an LGBTQ Studies course. The 2018 collection of oral histories focuses on the stories of selected leaders within the LGBTQ community of the upstate of South Carolina. The 2019 collection, also recorded by students, presents the experiences of African American members of the LGBTQ community, also known by many as queer and trans people of color (QTPOC).
Another Believer, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons
Archived Essays and Interviews (GLBTQ Encyclopedia Archive)
Includes essays and interviews which may count as primary sources.
Covers lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender history, and includes timelines and some oral histories.
Digital Transgender Archive
Features historical materials, born-digital materials, and information on archival holdings throughout the world.