Remember as a Teacher you will need to use the resources around you to help you teach, these can include but are not limited to: Your School Library, The Local Public Library, Regional College & University Libraries, Amazon/Barnes & Nobles, and the Web.
The Spartanburg Public Library is a great place to find more resources for Art Education. Below is a widget that will allow you to search the system catalog for books. The Library Website offers information about borrowing policies, branch locations and hours.
The Greenville County Library System is another place that may have title not held elsewhere. Check out their website for branch information and catalog links. Greenville and Spartanburg Counties offers a reciprocal loan agreement which simply means if you have one Library card you can barrow from the other county library system.
Where_are_we. “Teachers: It's Ok We're Not All Picasso's Picasso: KAN.” IFunny, 23 Sept. 2020,
Spartanburg and the surrounding area has many Academic Libraries (part of colleges and universities) as a USC Upstate student you have borrowing privileges at those libraries through PASCAL Delivers. PASCAL Delivers is a cooperative agreement between all academic Libraries in the State of South Carolina offering borrowing privileges to member libraries. Below is the PASCAL Delivers catalog widget where you can search all catalogs at once, you have the option to visit the library to pick up the book or have it delivered to any location such as USC Upstate Library or the UCG Library.
Interlibrary Loan is another way to access materials at other libraries around the world. This process take longer to receive materials and may not be the most piratical resource for Juvenile Books. The Widget below is to the WorldCat Catalog. WorldCat is the world's largest network of library content and services you can literally search the catalogs of libraries around the world.