A saying among professional speakers refers to these three basic presentation segments this way.
In the opening, you tell them what you are going to tell them.
In the body, you tell them.
In the conclusion, you tell them what you’ve told them.
ALL speeches should be organized! Organization is important to improve the clarity and effectiveness of the message. Your speech should be organized into three general parts; Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.
In general, an outline is a tool that presents the main points of a topic in a logical manner. Outlining your speech allows you to keep your speech focused and coherent. Without an outline, you run the risk of a rambling illogical speech. Outlining helps you organize your ideas by creating an ordered overview of your speech and grouping your ideas into main points. A good outline will allow you to see both the content and scope of your speech, asses if every section is fully developed, and help you create structure in your speech. By outlining your key points, you can see how your ideas relate to each other and present your points in the most logical manner.