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ENGL U101 - Composition I - Herbert: Developing a Topic

English 101 Herbert

Using Wikipedia...Say What?

Focus on a Research Question

Research is not the mere compilation of information about a topic, but an inquiry that seeks answers to a specific question. To achieve a viable topic, focus on a single, specific research question. Sometimes a research question is stated in the form of a thesis statement or hypothesis. A research question focuses on just one aspect of a topic, and a topic is only part of a broader subject area. It is good to keep these levels in mind when looking for various kinds of information.

Suggested Resources

These library databases provide information about controversial issues. Here, you may find a list of topics and details such as background information (dates, places, etc.), positions on the issue, impact, and other resources. Check with your professor first before using/citing these sources in your paper.

  • Remember to watch dates as information changes rapidly.
    • Generally, information within the last 5-7 years is best, but ask your professor if you are unsure.