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ENGL U102 - Composition II - Richie: Focus Your Topic

Fall 2023

Brainstorming Worksheet

Taking a few minutes to complete the following worksheet will be helpful for thinking about your topic and searching for sources.

Using Wikipedia...Say What?

​Developing Your Topic

It is important to come up with a research topic/question that is neither too broad or too narrow. 

 The 5 W's, described in the video below, are a helpful tool for focusing your research question/topic.

When you begin your research, you start with a broad topic. It is important that you focus your topic to make it manageable. For your assignment, you'll need to come up with a well-developed thesis statement.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Who is affected by the problem and what groups are involved? (people, culture, demographics)
  • Who else cares about/has an interest in the problem?
  • What is the issue?
  • Where is your problem most important? (typically United States, but may be international)
  • When is/was your problem most important? Most times, this is current (now).
  • Why is this problem important to address?

Source: Mesa Community College. Determining your research question. 

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John Siegel
Coord. of Library Instructional Services
Office: Library 117D
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