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History of Photography: Photography Books

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Advanced Search

Find Books option provides one-stop searching for books and e-books, journal articles, DVDs, and more.  The search box in the widget above allows you to directly search for materials found in what was previously called the Library Catalog.


The video below provides a brief introduction on how to use the new Search to find books and e-books in the USC Upstate library collection.  

Reference Photography Books

Oxford Online Reference

The database Oxford Reference Online includes several online encyclopedias that provide some great background information on your topic. If you begin by gaining some knowledge with these sources, you can get a better idea of the context and history of your topic, as well as some ideas for keywords to use in searching for more specific information later!


You can also click on "Art & Architecture" (after clicking "Subject" on the top left of the blue bar) to find many more reference books on art topics, with entries related to photography (look for the option to "Search within work" to find photo-related information in more general art encyclopedias).

Circulating Photography Books

Writing about Art