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Steve McCurry. INDIA. Armitsar. 1996. Golden Temple. ©Steve McCurry/Magnum. 1996. Artstor,

Ansel Adams (American, 1902-1984). Rock face and trees in winter. 1928. Artstor,

Ann Parker, North American; American, 1934, (artist),. Orange Parrot Tulip. 1996. Artstor,

Arbus, Diane (American, 1923-1971). Child with a toy hand grenade, Central Park, N.Y.C., view of image. 1962. Artstor,

Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940.. Carolina Cotton Mill. 1908.. Artstor,

Philippe Halsman. USA. "Chaos and Creation." . 1960 video made with Philippe Halsman featuring models Leslie Crane and Miriam de Cova, four pigs from Pennsylvania, and Dali contrasting himself with Mondrian as well as talking on the telephone to curator James Johnson Sweeney. 1956. Spanish painter Salvador DALI.. 1960. Artstor,

John Pfahl, North American; American, Born: US, NY, New York, 1939. 1/30/93 (orange peels & fennel). 1993. Artstor,

Lange, Dorothea. Ex-Slave with a long memory, Alabama.. 1937. Artstor,