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Literature Review: Searching

Learning to Write a Systematic Review of Literature

Existing Literature Reviews

There are very few brand new ideas in the world of research, so you may be able to find a Literature Review that already exists to help you get started with your own Literature Review. Searching databases for existing reviews can offer you direction on your research.  Some databases allow you to limit your search by the document type "Literature Review" while others do not offer that feature.  To search for Literature Reviews within databases enter your topic search term(s) and add AND "Literature Review".  Some databases such as Web of Science and other science databases just use the phrase Review to denote Literature Review style articles. Make sure to learn about the database you are searching.


Ulrich's or UlrichsWeb is a database of information about periodicals (also called serials).  It offers information on all types of materials such as academic and scholarly journals, e-journals, peer-reviewed titles (also called refereed), popular magazines, newspapers, and more. In Ulrich's you can find information such as ISSN (International Standard Serial Number), publisher, language, subject and most importantly full-text database coverage and peer review status of each journal title.

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Ulrich's Serial Directory