**Remember that you are looking for salary information and job availability forecast for South Carolina, not the United States. Many resources will provide data for the United States and/or just South Carolina, so make sure you are looking at the correct data. For South Carolina data, look for categories such as State Wages and State Trends.
**When looking at salary tables, the Low salary is typically the salary for an entry-level worker. Use the low salary as a starting salary unless your professor tells you otherwise.
**Salaries and job availability may vary slightly from resource to resource, since each source may gather data differently.
Median salary - salary that falls in the middle range (This is as close to average as you will find.)
Projected employment OR outlook - job availability forecast
To find entry level positions in your field, try searching one of these websites.
When searching, use the words entry level and the name of the career. For example, entry level librarian
When you search, there is an option to add a location. You can try adding Spartanburg or South Carolina; however, if there are no results, leave off the location.
If you are having trouble, ask your professor for help.