The following PDF document explains in more detail how to read a Library of Congress call number.
Click on the title of a book in the results list to access the record for that book, which includes two useful aids:
Find Books option provides one-stop searching for books and e-books, journal articles, DVDs, and more. The search box in the widget above allows you to directly search for materials found in what was previously called the Library Catalog.
The video below provides a brief introduction on how to use the new Search to find books and e-books in the USC Upstate library collection.
Did you know that you can request books for check out even when you're not physically in the library? When you find a book (or books) in the Search catalog that you would like, you can submit your request electronically and Circulation staff will pull the materials. Once they have done so, you will receive an email alert directing you to select your time for pickup and check out at the circulation desk. Please see the image below showing how to use the "Request" link in a sample catalog record.