This page contains links to general tools, as well as websites that may help contextualize your genealogical research. As always, cross-referencing any information you find is crucial to verification.
The Center for Family History and Genealogy is a community of family history scholars–faculty, students, and volunteers–working and learning together to fulfill our mission.
On this page you will find a detailed history of Ellis Island. The below text details the actual origin of the island as a location for an immigration hub, all the way to its current status as a national monument.
Census information and records can be invaluable tools in genealogical research. In addition to basic personal facts for each respondent, census records include detailed information that can help make connections across generations.
Genealogy is essentially the study of information, which makes it important to learn where to source facts when you first start out. This PBS website contains many links to various research techniques.
The Resources for Genealogists and Family Historians page of the National Archives and Records Administration provides many helpful tools and research strategies. NARA also provides access to digitized census records.