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REACH Act Resources: Introduction

Required readings for compliance with the REACH Act of 2021

What is the REACH Act?

South Carolina Act 26 of 2021, hereinafter the “REACH Act” requires undergraduate students to complete a three-credit course that requires, at a minimum, the reading of the following documents in their entirety, hereinafter collectively known as the “Founding Documents”:

  • the U.S. Constitution,
  • the Declaration of Independence
  • the Emancipation Proclamation
  • five (5) of the Federalist Papers
  • one (1) document foundational to the African American Struggle

The General Assembly charged the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education (CHE) with ensuring institutional compliance with these procedures. Below are guidelines institutions may follow regarding compliance.

Courses Fulfilling REACH Act Requirements - Fall 2022

The following courses have been identified as REACH-compliant and will be on the schedule for Fall 2022:

  1. AFAM 201: Introduction to African-American Studies
  2. AMST 101: American Studies, 17th-19th Century
  3. HIST 102: Introduction to World History II[1]
  4. HIST 105: History of the United States to 1877
  5. POLI 101: American National Government
  6. HIST 106: History of the United States from 1865

[1] Fall 2022 is the last semester in which HIST U102 will be accepted as fulfilling the Reach Act Requirement.