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Learning Styles & Teaching: Welcome

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Fact or Fiction

Do you believe in Learning Styles?  Are you Pro or Anti Learning Style Theory? Do you know your learning style preference? Pro learning style theory argues that instructors can achieve better results when they take their student’s learning style(s) into consideration. In opposition to the learning style theory, many believe the concept is not scientifically proven can’t guarantee a successful outcome nor predict it. (Pappas)  Others believe that you should always teach important materials “in various ways” (through stories, works of art, diagrams, role-playing, etc.), and remove the fixed idea of learning styles.

Research seems to show that many educators believe in this idea even without firm scientific proof, I personally believe there is something to teaching using many formats, as I will usually remember something I see (visual) better than something I hear (auditory).  I will always offer directions by saying things like at the light turn towards the CVS or drive past the Arby's because I think visually. Yes, I can remember things from lectures or what I read but my personal go-to learning style is visual.

Learning Styles - Science or Myth?