You may have used Research Note Cards in the past to help your organize information for a research paper. Research Note Cards have you write out quotes or paraphrased information on a note card and include information such as the topic of the source and where you found the source.
There are five parts to Research Note Cards:
*Note: It is important to only put one quote or paraphrase per note card.
In the top left corner of the note card is the topic that the quote relates to in the research paper.
Underneath the topic in the top left corner of the note card is an abbreviated name of the source this quote came from.
In the center of the note card is the quote/paraphrased information from the source.
In the bottom right corner of the note card is the page number the information came from.
On the back of the note card is the full citation for the source.
*Note: Keep in mind, your note card might not be organized the exact same way as the example. That is okay, as long as you make sure you have all the information needed listed on the note card.
Because the quotes and paraphrases are on their own note card, you can group and reorder them in the way you want them to appear in your research paper.
Once everything is organized by topic and in order, you will have created a map or guide to follow when writing your paper. It may also allow you to spot holes in your reasoning or evidence -- you can then return to your sources (or find additional sources) to fill in the needed information.
Work Cited
"The Note Card System." Gallaudet University, 2021,