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Composition II Research Guide for ENGL 102: Books and Media

Search for Books


Advanced Search

Search here for library books on your topic.


  • Place keywords in quotation marks to search for an exact phrase.
    Example: "south carolina"
  • Boolean operators (use capital letters):
    • AND - all terms must be found; narrows a search
      Example: television AND violence
    • OR - any of the terms may be found; expands a search
      Example: "mass media" OR television
    • NOT - excludes the terms
      Example: mexico NOT "new mexico"
  • Use an asterisk (*) to search for different variations or spellings of a word.
    Example: teen* - teen, teens, teenage, teenager, teenagers, etc.


Electronic books are accessed through our search engine. In a list of results they are identified by "Available Online" underneath the title, publisher, and publication date.

  • Click on the title in the results list. This opens the record for the book.
  • Click on the link under "View Online" in the record.

Finding Books @ USC Upstate Library

Helpful Hint

Remember the library collects a variety of books for different perspectives, including historical.

Be sure to look at the publication date of any books you use!

Generally, books within the last 5-7 years are most current. However, check with your professor if you are unsure or have questions.