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Isopods: Books


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Welcome to the library guide offering Isopods / Isopoda resources.  If you have any questions then contact the Ask-a-Librarian service. 

Find Books and E-Books


Advanced Search

Find Books option provides one-stop searching for books and e-books, journal articles, DVDs, and more.  The search box in the widget above allows you to directly search for materials found in what was previously called the Library Catalog.


The video below provides a brief introduction on how to use the new Search to find books and e-books in the USC Upstate library collection.  

Books availabe from other college libraries in SC



Search the PASCAL catalog for books about isopods from other academic libraries in South Carolina.  It takes 3-5 business days for books to arrive.  The service is free to current USC Upstate students, staff and faculty. 

Books available in the USC Upstate Library for check out